ePart Numbers and Prices


Available in Full Rolls, Cut To Length and Width, Standard Flange Gaskets, and Gaskets Cut To Size and Shape
Universal 2010 25% Glass Filled PTFE Brownish white, un-branded.
Temperature range -350 to 500ºF (-210 TO 260ºC).
Specific Gravity D792 2.15 - 2.22
Fluid Services Steam, Oils, Liquid Chlorine, Acids, Refrigerants, Alcohols, Caustics, Liquid & Gaseous Oxygen.
Tensil strength ASTM D638-61T 2000 - 3000 psi
Elongation D1709 100-260%.
Hardness shore D D-2240
Deformation Under Load  (73º F., 2000 psi 24 hrs.) ASTM D621 3-9%
Coefficicient of thermal expansion (78º F - 400º F.) in./in/ºF. ASTM D696 3 - 8 x 10 ^ -5
Thermal conductivity BTU/hr./ft. 2/F. in        ASTM C177 2.5 - 3.5
M Value 1/16" Thick  2.6
M Value 1/8" Thick     3.00
Y Value 1/16" 1,550 psi 
Y Value 1/8" 1,800 psi















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