ePart Numbers and Prices


Available in 60" X 60" Sheets, Standard Gaskets, and Gaskets Cut To Size and Shape. Interchange To Durlon 9000
Universal 2020 Blue Blue, Un-branded.
Temperature range -350 to 520ºF (-212 TO 271ºC).
Pressure, max. 1500 psi (10.3 MPa).
Fluid services Steam, Oils, Liquid Chlorine, Acids, Refrigerants, Alcohols, Caustics, Liquid & Gaseous Oxygen.
Density 2.2 g/cm3 (138 lbs/ft3).
Tensile strength ASTM F152 2000 psi (13.8 MPa).
Compressibility ASTM F36 8 to 16%.
Recovery ASTM F36 40%
Sealability ASTM F37 0.02 ml/hr.
Gas permeability, DIN 3535 0.01 cc/min.
Creep relaxition ASTM F38 30%.
Flexibility ASTM F147 5x.
M Value 1/16" Thick  2.75
M Value 1/8" Thick     2.00
Y Value 1/16" 1,600 psi  (11.1 MPa)
Y Value 1/8" 3,700 psi (25.5 MPa)














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