Garlock Garfite® 100


Highly graphitized yarn, combined with Garlock high quality production/inspection processes, gives Garfite 100 excellent  performance in extreme pressure/temperature situations.  With excellent resistance to chemicals, plus good thermal  conductivity, Garlock graphitic G-100 packing retains all of its volume and doesn’t harden in use, making replacement easier.  G-100 graphite filament packing is well suited for non-contaminating lubrication applications. G-100 is a highly conformable, softer packing that keeps leakage rates low in both new and older equipment.  It’s higher thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion minimize shaft wear and other equipment heat damage.  G-100 is used in a variety of pumps - boiler feed, chemical fuel oil, transfer, condensate return, extreme hot water, agitators, dryers, and blowers.


 TEMPERATURE                                            -200°F to +850oF in atmosphere

                                                                          -130oC to +445oC

                                                                          To 1200oF (+650oC) in steam                                                                 

PH RANGE                                                       0 - 14 (Except strong oxidizers) 

SHAFT SPEED                                                 To 4000 FPM Plus           

PRESSURE                                                      To 500 psi (35 Bar)


CONSTRUCTION                                            Square Braid


Certifiable to less than 200 ppm Leachable Chlorides

 Patent Number #3,403,595 

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