Neptune Pumps / Pump Parts & Accessories

Neptune Pump
Series Specifications eCatalogs
Series 500 500 500A 560
Series 500E 500E
Series 600
Series 7000
Series 8000
Low Volume 481-S / 501S
High Viscosity V
Click on the Series Above
Neptune Chemical Pump Co., Inc.  

 Neptune "dia Pump"

All Neptune "dia Pumps" are adjustable while running using Variable Oil By-pass stroke length adjustment which allows better valve performance than variable linkage designs. Variable Oil By-pass provides an adjustable time delay from the end of the suction stroke to the beginning of the discharge stroke, allowing valve checks time to seat even in heavy liquids.

Key Benefits

bulletEZE-Clean valves that can be removed
for cleaning without disturbing piping
connections to the pump.
bulletInternal relief valves are standard.
bulletGears are submerged in oil to assure
long reliable life.
bulletHydraulic system vents and refills once
with every stroke.

Neptune Chemical Feed Accessories

Injection QuillRelief ValveCorporate StopSample CoolerBromine FeederBypass Feeder

Injection Quill

 Releif Valve

Corporate Stop

Sample   Cooler

Bromine Feeder

Bypass Feeder


Neptune Chemical Pump Company has a broad variety of accessories.


bulletNeptune Filter Feeders and By-Pass Feeders are a
convenient method of introducing treatment
chemicals into closed circulating water systems.
bulletNeptune Fiberglass Bromine feeders are a
convenient and efficient way to properly feed
granular or solid chemicals for water treatment.
bulletNeptune Corporation Stops for injecting chemical
pumped by the proportioning pumps into tanks,
mains, cooling towers and process systems.
bulletNeptune Injection Quills with built in check
valves  for injecting chemicals into the turbulent
flow zone of water or steam lines.
bulletNeptune Sample Coolers for cooling hot water or
steam samples for easy handling and effective
sample collection.
bulletNeptune Relief Valves are simple and
economical. The design features a self-cleaning
ball check and seat. The relief pressure can be
adjusted while in service.


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