Valve Lining


Void-free body liner and disc isostatic molded from virgin

PTFE. High material density >2.16g/cm3. Guaranteed lining

thickness of at least 3mm plus high crystallinity. FDA compliant.

operating temperature

-40°F up to +392°F

Abrasive PTFE

If the chemical resistance of PTFE is needed along with

abrasion resistance, then the use of abrasive service PTFE is

recommended. This special PTFE compound is

resistant to mechanical wear with almost the same chemical

resistance as virgin PTFE.

operating temperature

-40°F up to +392°F

Antistatic PTFE

For explosive environments and medias, this electrostatically

conductive lining is available. The service life is comparable to

valves lined with PTFE. The material is FDA compliant. TUV

approval. (TUV 941 F 416 601).

Surface resistance 106 Ω.

Volume resistance 106 Ω cm.

operating temperature

-40°F up to +392°F


Used in extremely abrasive media applications while still

offering excellent chemical resistance. Garlock offers a

complete, ultra high molecular weight PE

(UMPE) liner and encapsulated disc

operating temperature

-40°F up to +185°F